Tag Archives: tuna

Spicy Tuna Pinwheels

A spicy combination of tuna and Sriracha sauce.  An easy, filling snack/meal that gives you a zing and fills you up!  You can make a batch of these for yourself, or serve them to guests.  They even make a great addition to a potluck!

These are really awesome and really easy to make!  You need to be able to open a can of tuna, chop a few veggies, and use the oven.

Here’s what you need to make Spicy Tuna Pinwheels:

  • 1 can of tuna
  • A bottle of Sriracha sauce (you’ll need enough for about 12 pretty good squirts)
  • 2 good spoonfuls of mayonnaise
  • A small spoonful of crushed red chili pepper flakes
  • 1/4 of a green pepper
  • 1/8 of a red onion
  • 1/2 a fresh jalapeno (include the seeds if you like it really spicy!)
  • 1 10″ tortilla wrap
  • A good chunk of cheddar cheese

Here’s how to make them:

1.  Open the can of tuna and drain out the juicy stuff.  Put the tuna in a bowl.

Tuna in a bowl

Tuna in a bowl

2.  Put a few good squirts of Sriracha sauce n with the tuna.



3.  Spoon in a couple of spoonfuls of mayonnaise.



4.  Stir it up.  For extra heat, add a small spoonful of crushed red chili pepper flakes.

Taking it to the next level

Taking it to the next level\

5,  Dice the green pepper into small dices and add it to the mixture.

Small-diced green pepper added

Small-diced green pepper added

6.  Dice some red onion into small dices and add it in.

Adding red onion

Adding red onion

7.  Dice up the jalapeno into small pieces and add it into the mixture.



8.  Stir it all up until it looks fabulous.

It looks fabulous

It looks fabulous

9.  Take the tortilla wrap and put it on a plate.  Then heat it in the microwave for ten seconds.  Then put it down on the counter top or a cutting board.

Warmed-up tortilla

Warmed-up tortilla

10.  Spoon the tuna mixture onto the wrap and then flatten it down with a fork.  Make sure it’s spread around evenly.  Leave about one inch bare on one side of the tortilla.

Spread out and flattened, leaving one inch bare

Spread out and flattened, leaving one inch bare

11. Starting from the edge opposite of the bare part, start rolling the tortilla up, end to end, so it meets up with the bare part.

Rolling up from opposite the bare edge so that it's rolling to meet up with the bare edge

Rolling up from opposite the bare edge so that it’s rolling to meet up with the bare edge

12.  Roll it all the way and then give it a little squeeze to help it stay together a bit.

All rolled up

All rolled up

13.  Use a knife to cut the roll into slices.  It’s best to cut on a diagonal.

Cutting the roll into slices on an angle

Cutting the roll into slices on an angle

Cutting the roll into slices on an angle

Cutting the roll into slices on an angle

A sliced-up bit

A sliced-up bit

A bunch of sliced-up bits

A bunch of sliced-up bits

14.  Turn on the oven to 375 degrees.

15.  Lay all of the tuna bits on a cookie sheet that you’ve already sprayed with non-stick cooking spray.

All layed out on a cookie sheet

All layed out on a cookie sheet

16.  Cover each bit with a zigzag squirt of Sriracha sauce.

Zigzagged with Sriracha Sauce

Zigzagged with Sriracha Sauce

Whoa baby!

Whoa baby!

17.  Top each piece with a nice slice of cheddar cheese.

Topped witch cheese

Topped witch cheese

It's like a little piece of perfection

It’s like a little piece of perfection

18.  Cook them until the cheese is deliciously melted.  It’s usually from ten to fifteen minutes.

A tray full of awesomeness

A tray full of awesomeness

A Spicy Tunaracha

A Spicy Tuna Pinwheel ready to eat!

19.  Let them sit for about four minutes on the baking sheet and then use a spatula to transfer them to a plate.  You should let them rest for another few minutes before you devour them – they will be hot and gooey!

Cheesy. Melty.  Gooey.

Cheesy. Melty. Gooey.

Here’s what it costs to make Spicy Tunarachas (about twelve amazing pieces):

  • Can of tuna:  $1.00
  • Sriracha sauce:  $0.20
  • Mayonnaise: $0.20
  • Crushed red chili pepper flakes:  $0.03
  • Green pepper:  $0.25
  • Red onion:  $0.10
  • Jalapeno:  $0.06
  • Tortilla wrap:  $0.45
  • Cheddar cheese:  $0.85

Total cost to make:  $3.14

Enjoy.  These are fabulous, easy, and healthy!

Need some other awesome finger food ideas?  Try one of these:

Tuna Bundles

These tasty delights are a cousin of the Almight Tuna Melt.  I find them easier to eat than a tuna melt, and they just taste ‘lighter’.  They take a little more time to prepare, but they’re worth it.

These are perfect to make for yourself to have a few snacks available over the next few days, and they’re also great if you’re having a bit of company over.  They’re also good for a whole meal if you want!

   These look complicated but they’re not that hard!  You need to be able to stir things, use the oven, and you need to be able to work with refrigerated crescent roll dough.

   Here’s what you need to make them:

  • One package of refrigerated crescent roll dough
  • 2 cans of tuna
  • 2 or 3 big globs of mayonnaise
  • A handful of diced onion
  • A handful of diced peppers (I use green and red peppers)
  • Half an jalapeno, diced
  • A handful of green olive slices
  • Pepper
  • Cheese (I use mozzarella but you can use any cheese you like)

Here’s how to make them:

1.  Preheat your oven to 375 degrees

2.  In a big bowl or container, spoon a few globs of mayonnaise.

A few globs of mayonnaise

A few globs of mayonnaise

3.  Open the cans of tuna, drain out the liquid, and add the tuna to the mayonnaise.

4.  Sprinkle with fresh black pepper.



5.  Add some diced or sliced onions, green/red peppers, diced jalepeno, and green olive slices.  You might prefer a different combination of veggies and that’s okay too.  If you don’t like jalapeno, don’t put them in!  If you don’t like green olives, don’t put them in!  Up to you – it’s YOUR meal!   Once you’ve added your veggies, stir it all up so it’s nice and mixed.

Veggies added to the mayo and the tuna

Veggies added to the mayo and the tuna

6.  Slice 12 pieces of cheese and put them aside for now.

Cheese slices set aside

Cheese slices set aside

7.  Unroll the crescent roll dough.  If you’re not good with this kind of dough, know this:  This dough is actually really easy to work with.  I always rip and tear it when I’m trying to open that tube it comes in, but you can just patch it up by pulling the dough back together and squeezing it together with your fingers.  Repair any holes in the dough and get familiar with the dough.  Don’t be scared of it.  It’s easy to work with!

8.  Separate the dough into the 8 rectangles that it’s supposed to be separated into.

9.  Put one of the rectangles of dough on your cutting board (or a clear space of counter) and use your fingers to manipulate the dough so it’s more of an equilateral triangle instead of an isosceles.

Manipulated so it's not quite so long on the one side

Manipulated so it’s not quite so long on the one side

10.  Take one of the slices of cheese you made in Step 6 and put it in the middle of the triangle.  I break my cheese slice in half and then put it on, just because it fits better.

Cheese on top of the dough

Cheese on top of the dough

11.  Scoop a spoonful of tuna mixture on top of the cheese.

Tuna on top of the cheese

Tuna on top of the cheese

12.  Take one corner of the dough and pull it up over the tuna to the other side, like in the picture below:

One corner is pulled up and over the tuna

One corner is pulled up and over the tuna

13.  Take another corner of the dough and pull it up and over the tuna to the other side, like in the picture below:

Another corner, up and over the tuna

Another corner, up and over the tuna

14.  Pull the last corner of dough up and over the tuna.

Final corner, up and over the tuna

Final corner, up and over the tuna

15.  Now use your fingertips to squish in the dough up on top of the tuna where the 3 corners overlap, so they stick together a bit.  This helps keep the dough from unfolding while it’s baking.

Squeezed in

Squeezed in

16.  Transfer the unbaked Tuna Tuck onto an ungreased baking sheet.  Be sure to put it in the palm of your hand while you’re transferring it, so the bottom of the Tuna Tuck is supported.  Otherwise the dough will stretch and it will get ruined.

17.  Now take your remaining 4 slices of cheese and cut them all in half.  Put one half on top of each Tuna Tuck to hide where all the corners of dough are meeting on top.

Cheese on top to hide the seams

Cheese on top to hide the seams

18.  Bake the Tuna Tucks for about 12 minutes, or until the dough is all browned and crusty and delicious-looking.

A tray of Tuna Tucks all ready to go

A tray of Tuna Tucks all ready to go

Perfectly cooked Tuna Tucks!

Perfectly cooked Tuna Tucks!

19.  Let them sit for a couple of minutes and then either serve them to your guests or eat them yourself!  You can save a few to take in your lunch too!  They’re pretty good cold!

One thing I really like about Tuna Tucks is the cheese pocket underneath the tuna.  Check out the picture below:

Tuna Tuck with a bite out of it - you can see on the very right-hand side, the cheese gooing out from the cheese pocket underneath the tuna

Tuna Tuck with a bite out of it – you can see on the very right-hand side, the cheese gooing out from the cheese pocket underneath the tuna

A thing of beauty!

A thing of beauty!

These Tuna Tucks are a light-feeling snack but they are filling and tasty!  Give them a try!

Here’s what it costs to make them:

  • Crescent roll dough:  $2.50
  • Tuna:  $2.50
  • Mayonnaise:  $0.50
  • Onion:  $0.30
  • Peppers:  $0.50
  • Jalapeno: $0.25
  • Green olives:  $0.25
  • Pepper:  $0.02
  • Cheese:  $1.00

  Total cost to make:  $7.82  (makes 8 Tuna Bundles)

   Total cost per Tuna Bundle:  $0.98

An excellent price to host an afternoon get-together (Tuna Bundles make a great afternoon snack), or for an easy lunch, snack, or dinner idea (for dinner you could probably eat two or three on your own!)

Give these Tasty Tuna Bundle a try.    I’m not sure if I’ll ever have a tuna melt again – I prefer these lighter and tastier little bundles of deliciousness!

  Please help yourself to more tasty meal ideas: