Tag Archives: pinwheels

Spicy Tuna Pinwheels

A spicy combination of tuna and Sriracha sauce.  An easy, filling snack/meal that gives you a zing and fills you up!  You can make a batch of these for yourself, or serve them to guests.  They even make a great addition to a potluck!

These are really awesome and really easy to make!  You need to be able to open a can of tuna, chop a few veggies, and use the oven.

Here’s what you need to make Spicy Tuna Pinwheels:

  • 1 can of tuna
  • A bottle of Sriracha sauce (you’ll need enough for about 12 pretty good squirts)
  • 2 good spoonfuls of mayonnaise
  • A small spoonful of crushed red chili pepper flakes
  • 1/4 of a green pepper
  • 1/8 of a red onion
  • 1/2 a fresh jalapeno (include the seeds if you like it really spicy!)
  • 1 10″ tortilla wrap
  • A good chunk of cheddar cheese

Here’s how to make them:

1.  Open the can of tuna and drain out the juicy stuff.  Put the tuna in a bowl.

Tuna in a bowl

Tuna in a bowl

2.  Put a few good squirts of Sriracha sauce n with the tuna.



3.  Spoon in a couple of spoonfuls of mayonnaise.



4.  Stir it up.  For extra heat, add a small spoonful of crushed red chili pepper flakes.

Taking it to the next level

Taking it to the next level\

5,  Dice the green pepper into small dices and add it to the mixture.

Small-diced green pepper added

Small-diced green pepper added

6.  Dice some red onion into small dices and add it in.

Adding red onion

Adding red onion

7.  Dice up the jalapeno into small pieces and add it into the mixture.



8.  Stir it all up until it looks fabulous.

It looks fabulous

It looks fabulous

9.  Take the tortilla wrap and put it on a plate.  Then heat it in the microwave for ten seconds.  Then put it down on the counter top or a cutting board.

Warmed-up tortilla

Warmed-up tortilla

10.  Spoon the tuna mixture onto the wrap and then flatten it down with a fork.  Make sure it’s spread around evenly.  Leave about one inch bare on one side of the tortilla.

Spread out and flattened, leaving one inch bare

Spread out and flattened, leaving one inch bare

11. Starting from the edge opposite of the bare part, start rolling the tortilla up, end to end, so it meets up with the bare part.

Rolling up from opposite the bare edge so that it's rolling to meet up with the bare edge

Rolling up from opposite the bare edge so that it’s rolling to meet up with the bare edge

12.  Roll it all the way and then give it a little squeeze to help it stay together a bit.

All rolled up

All rolled up

13.  Use a knife to cut the roll into slices.  It’s best to cut on a diagonal.

Cutting the roll into slices on an angle

Cutting the roll into slices on an angle

Cutting the roll into slices on an angle

Cutting the roll into slices on an angle

A sliced-up bit

A sliced-up bit

A bunch of sliced-up bits

A bunch of sliced-up bits

14.  Turn on the oven to 375 degrees.

15.  Lay all of the tuna bits on a cookie sheet that you’ve already sprayed with non-stick cooking spray.

All layed out on a cookie sheet

All layed out on a cookie sheet

16.  Cover each bit with a zigzag squirt of Sriracha sauce.

Zigzagged with Sriracha Sauce

Zigzagged with Sriracha Sauce

Whoa baby!

Whoa baby!

17.  Top each piece with a nice slice of cheddar cheese.

Topped witch cheese

Topped witch cheese

It's like a little piece of perfection

It’s like a little piece of perfection

18.  Cook them until the cheese is deliciously melted.  It’s usually from ten to fifteen minutes.

A tray full of awesomeness

A tray full of awesomeness

A Spicy Tunaracha

A Spicy Tuna Pinwheel ready to eat!

19.  Let them sit for about four minutes on the baking sheet and then use a spatula to transfer them to a plate.  You should let them rest for another few minutes before you devour them – they will be hot and gooey!

Cheesy. Melty.  Gooey.

Cheesy. Melty. Gooey.

Here’s what it costs to make Spicy Tunarachas (about twelve amazing pieces):

  • Can of tuna:  $1.00
  • Sriracha sauce:  $0.20
  • Mayonnaise: $0.20
  • Crushed red chili pepper flakes:  $0.03
  • Green pepper:  $0.25
  • Red onion:  $0.10
  • Jalapeno:  $0.06
  • Tortilla wrap:  $0.45
  • Cheddar cheese:  $0.85

Total cost to make:  $3.14

Enjoy.  These are fabulous, easy, and healthy!

Need some other awesome finger food ideas?  Try one of these:

Pizza Pinwheels

With pizza being so popular, how come it’s not more popular at potlucks?

It’s your chance to be the Office Hero!  Bring these bad boys to your next potluck at work, or to your next family gathering, and listen to the music of compliments all day!

This recipe is vegetarian – you can add meaty stuff if you want, but Pizza Pillows taste amazing without any meat added.  If you can find gluten-free tortilla wraps somewhere, you can make these gluten-free too!

 These are surprisingly simple!  You need to be able to chop a few veggies, grate cheese, and roll up tortillas.  You’ll be the hero of the party!

Here’s what you need to make them:

  • Tortilla wraps (1 10-inch wrap will get you 10 to 12 pieces)
  • A jar of pizza sauce
  • About a cup of grated cheese (I use a mix of cheddar and mozzarella)
  • Your favorite pizza veggies (tomatoes, onions, green peppers, jalapenos, green olives, etc.)

Here’s how to make them:

1.  Cut up all of your favorite pizza veggies into small dices.  I like the combination of tomatoes, onions, green peppers, jalapenos, and green olives, but you can use whatever you like.  Add mushrooms if you want.  You could also add meat, like small-diced pepperoni or sausage or bacon.

A bowlful of finely-diced chopped pizza veggies

A bowlful of finely-diced chopped pizza veggies

2.  Pour a little bit of pizza sauce in with the veggies and stir it up.  You want to add just enough sauce so that each piece of veggie is coated, plus a little bit extra.

Veggies coated with pizza sauce

Veggies coated with pizza sauce

3.  Take a tortilla wrap and spoon some of the saucy veggies on it.  You want to have enough saucy veggies on the tortilla to cover the entire tortilla but you don’t want the layer to be too thick or it won’t roll up very well.

A tortilla wrap covered with saucy veggies

A tortilla wrap covered with saucy veggies

4.  Sprinkle some cheese on top of the saucy veggies.  It doesn’t have to be a big layer of cheese, just a good sprinkling.

A good sprinkling of cheese on top of the saucy veggies

A good sprinkling of cheese on top of the saucy veggies

5.  Roll up the tortilla, starting from the bottom (closest to you) and going all the way up to the top so it’s completely rolled.  See the pictures below:

Start by turning up the edge closest to you

Start by turning up the edge closest to you

Continue to roll - don't squeeze too hard but also don't roll too loose, just try to roll as tight as you can without squishing the ingredients out

Continue to roll – don’t squeeze too hard but also don’t roll too loose, just try to roll as tight as you can without squishing the ingredients out

Your finished roll should look like this

Your finished roll should look like this

6.  Cut the roll up into slices.  A 10-inch tortilla should get you 10 or 12 slices.  I cut these straight across.  Since the pizza sauce isn’t really sticky, the sliced roll-ups won’t stay together as well, so quickly transfer them from your cutting board to a baking sheet.  If they fall apart a bit, do your best to reconstruct them.

A baking sheet full of cut-up pre-baked Pizza Pillows

A baking sheet full of cut-up pre-baked Pizza Pillows

A close-up of a cut-up, pre-baked Pizza Pillow

A close-up of a cut-up, pre-baked Pizza Pillow

7.  Put the Pizza Pillows in a 375 degree oven for 8 minutes.

8.  After 8 minutes, take them out.  Since they can fall apart easily, don’t flip them.

9.  Using a spoon, add a small glob of pizza sauce onto the top of each Pizza Pillow.  You don’t want to add too much or these will be messy to eat – you just want a nice little layer of saucy goodness.

Pizza Pillows with pizza sauce globs on top.

Pizza Pillows with pizza sauce globs on top

10.  Sprinkle cheese on top.

Cheese sprinkled on top

Cheese sprinkled on top

A close-up of the cheese on top

A close-up of the cheese on top

11. Put them back in the oven for another 5 or 6 minutes, or until the cheese is melted the way you like it.

12.  Take them out of the oven and let them cool on the baking sheet for a few minutes.  They will not fall apart very much at all now that they’ve been topped with sauce and cheese, but letting them cool for a few minutes on the sheet will help them stay together even more.

13.  Once they’ve rested for a bit, they’re ready!  You can snack on them, or you can put them on a pretty plate and bring them to a potluck.

Pizza Pillows, lookin' delicious!

Pizza Pillows, lookin’ delicious!

Pizza Pillows are great warm or cold.  They are probably better warm, though, since they’re supposed to be little pizzas, so if you take them to a potluck see if there’s an oven you can heat them up in for a few minutes.  But it’s not the end of the world if you have to serve them cold – they still taste like pizza and they are still amazing!!

Here’s how much they cost to make (for 3 tortilla rolls’ worth):

  • Tortilla wraps:  $1.00
  • Pizza sauce:  $1.50
  • Cheese:  $1.50
  • Veggies:  $0.75

   Total cost to make:  $4.75

The above amount will make about 36 little appetizers.  Not bad for $4.75!  That’s just $0.13 each!

If you want to make Pizza Pillows for a snack, just keep these ingredients handy and make them anytime you want!  Making one tortilla roll of these (12 pieces) will only cost about $1.58 and it will be the best snack you have all week!!

Close-up of a Pizza Pillow.... yum!

Close-up of a Pizza Pillow…. yum!

  Looking for some other cool snack/appetizer recipes?  Check these out: