Tag Archives: cream cheese

Jalapeno Cream Cheese

Jalapeno cream cheese is the best thing for some tortilla chips or crackers, or as a spread on a tasty meaty sandwich.  It’s also good just spread on toast in the morning.

Difficulty rating:  0.2  You need to be able to cut jalapenos into really small pieces and then mash it together with some cream cheese.

Here’s what you need to make Jalapeno cream cheese:

  • A brick of cream cheese, softened
  • A nice fresh jalapeno.  The longer and skinnier, the hotter

Here’s how to make it:

1.  Take the cream cheese out of its wrapping and let it sit in a bowl for about 30 minutes so it gets a bit soft.

Cream cheese waiting to be taken to another level

Cream cheese waiting to be taken to another level

2.  Now cut up the jalapeno into really small pieces  If you like your cream cheese nice and spicy, keep the seeds in.  If you’re looking for a bit of a milder flavor, throw the seeds out.

Finely diced jalapeno

Finely diced jalapeno

3.  Stir it all around until it’s well-mixed.



Let the flavors blend for at least an hour before you use it.  It’s really good the day after you make it!

Here’s what it costs to make  (spreads on about 7 pieces of bread):

  • Cream cheese:  $3.00
  • Jalapeno:  $0.20

Total cost to make:  $3.20

   Total cost per delicious serving:  $0.46

Not a bad price for a really tasty and spicy snack!!

I like to take a little container of this and some crackers to work for a coffee break snack.  Makes the afternoon much better!

Bacon Bites

Small bites.  Powerful flavor.  Amazing satisfaction.

These tortilla roll-ups are awesome to eat on your own as a snack.  They’ve bacony and cheesy.  What could be better?

To feast on this recipe, you need to be able to cook bacon, roll tortillas, and bake things in the oven.  That’s it!

 Here’s what you need to make it (2-4 people’s worth):

  • 1 brick of cream cheese, softened (take it out of the fridge about 30 minutes before you want to use it)
  •  2 tortilla wraps
  • 6 to 8 pieces of bacon (use pre-cooked bacon if you have it!)
  • a good handful of grated mozzarella cheese
  • a handful of grated cheddar cheese
  • about 1/4 of an onion finely chopped

 Here’s what you need to do:

1.   Take the cream cheese and either cut it into smaller pieces with a knife, or wash your hands super-good and then squish the brick of cream cheese with your hands.  Then put it in a mixing bowl.

Cream cheese, room temperature and squished for easier mixing

Cream cheese, room temperature and squished for easier mixing

2.  Add the grated mozzarella cheese, the chopped bacon, and the onion.  Stir it up until it’s nicely mixed and smooth.

Check out the tasty mixture!

Check out the tasty mixture!

3.  Now take about half of that delicious cream cheese mixture and dump it onto a tortilla wrap.

Fabulous bacon mixture on a wrap

Fabulous bacon mixture on a wrap

4.  Now use a knife, spoon, or spatula to spread the cream cheese mixture evenly over the tortilla.

Use a knife to give it a good spread

Use a knife to give it a good spread

Spread until it's even all over the wrap

Spread until it’s even all over the wrap

5.  Now you want to roll up the tortilla.  Start at the bottom edge closest to you, roll as tight as possible.



6.  Your finished roll-up should look like this:

A good roll

A good roll

3 good rolls

3 good rolls

I like to put the rolls in the fridge for awhile to help the flavors all blend together.  You don’t have to if you don’t have time – you can cut & bake these right away, or you can even leave them in the fridge overnight and then make them the next day.

7.  Take a roll-up and cut it into slices like this:

Slice like this

Slice like this

8.  Arrange all of the cut-up pieces on a baking sheet.

All ready to be baked

All ready to be baked

9.  Let them bake for about five minutes at 400 degrees, then take them out of the oven and flip them all over.

Half-baked, melty and cheesy     Half-baked, melty and cheesy

Half-baked, melty and cheesy

10.  Cook them for another five minutes or so.  Then flip them again.  Now you want to sprinkle them all with the grated cheddar cheese.

Sprinkled with cheese

Sprinkled with cheese

11.  Cook them for another 4 minutes or so, until the cheddar cheese is melted the way you like it.

Bacon Spiral Bites

Bacon Spiral Bites

Now they’re done!

Let them rest for about 5 minutes so the cheese firms up a bit.  Yes, gooey cheese is cool, but not when your appetizer becomes impossible to eat because it’s too gooey.

After about five minutes, take the Power Bites off the baking sheet and put them on a plate.  Serve them to your guests and they will love them!

You can also take these guys to parties.  You need to double or triple the recipe probably though.  Also, these are way better warm so make sure you ask your host if you can have some oven space for about 5 minutes to reheat them before you serve them at the party.

  Here’s what it costs to make (for the serving in the above recipe):

  • 1 brick of cream cheese:  $2.50
  • 2 tortilla wraps:  $1.20
  • Bacon:  $2.00
  • Mozzarella cheese:  $1.00
  • Cheddar cheese:  $0.75
  • Onion:  $0.10

Total Cost:  $7.55 – but remember, this feeds 4 people, maybe even a good appetizer for 5 or 6 people.  You can always double the recipe, or you can cut thinner slices to make more pieces.  If you cut thinner slices, don’t cook the roll-ups for so many minutes at a time or they will burn.

A plate full of Bacon Spiral Bites, ready for a party!

A plate full of Bacon Bites, ready for a party!

For more quick and easy potluck ideas, check out these recipes: