Humpty Dumpty Nacho Dip

This Nacho Dip will be the hit of the party.  Trust me.  It’s got the classic Nacho Dip taste that everyone loves along with an added bite of taco tang!  Absolutely fantastic!

To whip up this recipe, you need to be able to cut up a lot of veggies and arrange them prettily in a serving dish.  You also need to be able to use a mixer or hand-mixer.  If you can do those simple things, you can pull off this amazing dip!

Here’s what you need to make it:

  • half a brick of cream cheese (about 4oz)
  • 2 cups of sour cream (one regular-sized container)
  • 1 package of taco seasoning, or about 1 tbsp tex-mix seasoning
  • About 1 1/2 cups of salsa
  • A big chunk of cheddar cheese
  • 1/4 of a red or white onion
  • 1 green pepper
  • 3 Roma tomatoes
  • 1/2 an jalapeno, very finely diced
  • 1/2 a head of iceberg lettuce
  • A bag or two or tortilla chips

  Here’s how to make it:

1.  Cut up the cream cheese into rough cubes and throw it in a bowl with the sour cream and the tex-mex seasoning.  Use a hand-mixer or an electric beater to cream it all together until it’s nice and smooth.  You can do it by hand if you want, but it takes a lot of effort to thoroughly mix anything with cream cheese – using an electric blending device is way better.

Cream cheese mixture

Cream cheese mixture

2.  Pour the mixture into your serving dish.  I like to use a glass or clear serving dish so people can see the layers.  So a glass pie plate, or an 8×8 square glass pan, or anything like that is fine.  If you don’t have a glass dish, don’t worry about it.  You really can just use anything you want.  Spread the mixture evenly in the pan.

Cream cheese mixture spread in a pretty serving dish

Cream cheese mixture spread in a pretty serving dish

3.  Now put globs of salsa on top, enough so that you can spread a nice layer of salsa over the whole cream cheese layer.  Once you’ve put the globs down, use a spoon or spatula to spread the salsa evenly over the cream cheese layer.

Globs of salsa on top

Globs of salsa on top

4.  Dice up the onion into small dices and sprinkle it over the salsa.

5.  Dice up the green pepper into small dices and sprinkle it over the onions.

6.  Dice up the jalapeno pepper and sprinkle it over everything else.

A nice layer of onions, green peppers, and jalapenos on top of the salsa

A nice layer of onions, green peppers, and jalapenos on top of the salsa

7.  Sprinkle the top with the grated cheese so it’s in a nice even layer.

A good cheesy layer!

A good cheesy layer!

8.  Shred half a head of iceberg lettuce and sprinkle a good layer of shredded lettuce on top of the cheese.

Lettuce layer

Lettuce layer

9.  Dice your tomatoes into small dices and sprinkle them on top of the lettuce.

Colorful tomatoes on top

Colorful tomatoes on top

Check it out from the side:

Side view.... WOW!

Side view…. WOW!

You’ll be the star of the show if you bring Humpty Dumpty Nacho Dip.  It looks great on its own – but if you bring a bowl of tortilla chips in a brightly colored bowl (you can buy a good one at the dollar store), you and your amazing dip will be raved about all night!!

Here’s what it cost to make: 

  • Sour cream:  $2.00
  • Cream cheese:  $1.75
  • Cheddar cheese:  $3.00
  • Salsa:  $2.00
  • Tortilla chips:  $4.00
  • Veggies:  $2.00
  • Lettuce:  $.50
  • Tex-mex seasoning:  $0.25

Total to make:  $15.50

This recipe can happily feed anywhere from 8-20 guests, so $15.50 is not bad.  Let’s say you go to a party of 10 people, you just gave them all a great appetizer for $1.55 each!  And it’s a great dish, it will be the most popular one there, and you’ll feel great about it!  Not a bad deal 🙂

   Is someone else bringing Nacho Dip to the party?  Bring one of these treats instead:

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