Tag Archives: turkey

Turkey Quesadillas

A spin on a traditional quesadilla that gives you a warm and melty feeling inside.

These are incredibly easy to make!  You need to be able to slice turkey and onions and know how to use the stove.

Here’s what you need to make a tasty Turkey Quesadilla:

  • Two tortillas, whatever size you want (10 inch tortillas are used in the pictures)
  • 3 or 4 slices of turkey luncheon meat
  • 4 tbsp of cream cheese
  • A few slices of pickled or fresh jalapeno
  • Just a bit of white onion

Here’s how to make it: 

1.  Take one of the tortillas, lay it on a plate, and spread it edge to edge with delicious cream cheese.

Tortilla covered with cream cheese

Tortilla covered with cream cheese

2.  Put a big pan on the stove and turn the heat on – not quite as high as medium but almost.  Once the pan is heated up a bit, put the cream cheesed tortilla on it.

Cream cheesed tortilla in the pan

Cream cheesed tortilla in the pan

3.  Take some onion slices and spread them around on top of the tortilla in the pan.



4.  Add a few jalapeno slices.

This is my favorite part!

This is my favorite part!

5.  Take your turkey luncheon meat slices and roll them up.  Then slice them thinly so you have little strips.

Yummy turkey meat

Yummy turkey meat

Yummy turkey meat rolled up

Yummy turkey meat rolled up

Yummy turkey meat sliced up into little strips

Yummy turkey meat sliced up into little strips

6.  Spread the strips of turkey meat all over that warm tortilla on the stove.

Look at the glory!

Look at the glory!

7.  Now spread cream cheese on the other tortilla.

Cream cheese spread on the other tortilla

Cream cheese spread on the other tortilla

8.  Put that tortilla cream-cheese side down on top of the warm one on the stove.

Looking good!

Looking good!

9.  Flip the quesadilla over using a spatula.

Flipped over - the bottom side is nice and toasty!

Flipped over – the bottom side is nice and toasty!

10.  Once both tortillas are nice and toasty, use your spatula to take the quesadilla out of the pan.  Make sure you watch the quesadilla while you’re cooking it – it doesn’t taste good if it’s burnt!



11.  Slice up your quesadilla and eat it up!  It’s fantastic!

Here’s what it costs to make a Tasty Turkey Quesadilla:

  • Tortillas:  $1.00
  • Turkey:  $1.20
  • Cream cheese:  $0.60
  • Jalapeno:  $0.10
  • Onion:  $0.15

Total cost to make:  $3.05

This is a delicious meal or a really big snack.  Try one today!

Check out these other quick meal ideas:

Thanksgiving Sammie

Take the goodness of Thanksgiving Dinner and put it in a sandwich.  You don’t have to be a pilgrim.  You don’t have to deal with a house full of guests.  Just make the sandwich, find somewhere to relax, and enjoy it.

This is a simple recipe – not a great deal of labour involved.  It’s not as hard to make as a whole Thanksgiving Dinner – but pretty much just as delicious!

Here’s what you need to make a Thanksgiving Sammie:

  • A bagel
  • Some cheese (as much as you like, any type you like – mozzarella is great on this sammie because it’s gooey and melty and satisfying)
  • A few thin slices of onion
  • 5 slices of turkey luncheon meat
  • A couple of spoonfuls of cranberry sauce
  • Freshly cracked black pepper

Here’s how to make it:

1.  Take your sliced bagel and put it open-faced on the counter.

Bagel, ready to be topped with yumminess

Bagel, ready to be topped with yumminess

2.  Add your cheese – put some on each bagel half.  I like to pile some mozzarella on one side and some cheddar on the other side.  You can use whatever kind of cheese you like, sliced or grated or whatever.  It doesn’t matter so long as you like it!

Cheddar on the left, mozzie on the right

Cheddar on the left, mozzie on the right

3.  Add some thin onion slices on top of the bottom half.

Onion slices on top of the mozzie

Onion slices on top of the mozzie

4.  Pile your turkey slices on top of the onions.

Turkey slices piled on top

Turkey slices piled on top

A close-up of the delicious turkey piled on top

A close-up of the delicious turkey piled on top

5.  Spoon some tasty cranberry sauce on the other bagel half.

Cranberry sauce!

Cranberry sauce!

6.  Add some freshly cracked black pepper on top of the tasty turkey.

All peppered up

All peppered up

7.  Now put both halves into your oven or toaster oven (350 degrees for five or seven minutes) until the cheese is getting melty.

8.  Then take your sammie out of the oven, put the cranberry half on top of the turkey half and squish it down a bit.  You’re done!

What a Wonderful Thanksgiving Sammie!

What a Wonderful Thanksgiving Sammie!

Here’s what it costs to make:

  • Bagel:  $0.35
  • Cheese:  $0.45
  • Onion:  $0.05
  • Turkey:  $1.25
  • Cranberry sauce:  $0.20
  • Freshly cracked black pepper:  $0.02

Total cost to make:  $2.27

Wow, a great price for a great sammie!  You can celebrate Thanksgiving all year round!  If you want this sandwich on your lunchhour at work, simply pack up all the ingredients separately, then assemble at work.  Hopefully you have a toaster oven in your lunchroom that you can use!

There’s more sandwich ideas here: