Tag Archives: sriracha

Meteor Mac N Cheese

Sriracha-covered meatballs are the tasty meteors in this cheesy dinner!

It’s really easy to make.  Really easy.  If you can make a box of instant mac n cheese, and if you can use your oven to cook frozen meatballs, you can make this dish!

Here’s what you need to make Meteor Mac N Cheese:

  • 1 box of instant macaroni and cheese
  • 8-10 frozen pre-cooked meatballs
  • Some good squeezes of sriracha sauce
  • Milk as per the mac n cheese mix recipe
  • Butter/margarine as per the mac n cheese mix recipe

Here’s how to make it:

1.  Follow the directions on the package of frozen meatballs to cook 8-10 of them.

Cooking the frozen meatballs

Cooking the frozen meatballs

2.  Follow the directions on the package to make the instant mac n cheese.

Pouring the pasta in the hot water

Pouring the pasta in the hot water

Adding the butter

Adding the butter

Adding the tasty cheese sauce

Adding the tasty cheese sauce

Yummy mac n cheese!!

Yummy mac n cheese!!

3.  Once the meatballs are cooked, put them in a metal bowl.  I usually gently pull the meatballs in half so I get more little pieces of meat.

Meatball pieces in a bowl

Meatball pieces in a bowl

4.  Squirt them with a bunch of Sriracha sauce and stir them up.

Squirts of goodness

Squirts of goodness



5.  Put your mac n cheese into a bowl and top it with a few of the meteors.  Enjoy!



This is a really good dish because sometimes you get bites of classic mac n cheese, some bites have just a spicy meatball, and some bites have a bit of both – a cheesy Sriracha-infused pleasure!

Here’s what it costs to make (2 servings):

  • Instant mac n cheese mix:  $1.00
  • 8-10 frozen meatballs:  $1.50
  • Sriracha sauce:  $0.30
  • Butter/margarine:  $0.50
  • Milk:  $0.30

Total cost to make:  $3.60

Total cost per tasty bowl:  $1.80


If you’re looking for some more recipes like this, try one of these:

Sriracha Sammie

This egg-licious sammie will fill you up, give you energy, and give your mouth a nice little party.

If you need a gluten-free variety, just make the eggs, add the Sriracha mayo, and eat ’em straight out of a bowl!

Here’s what you need to make a Sriracha Sammie:

  • 2 eggs
  • Salt and/or pepper
  • A little bit of white onion
  • A little bit of cooking oil
  • 2 pieces of bread
  • A little bit of fresh tomato
  • A few slices from a brick of cheese
  • Two spoonfuls of mayonnaise
  • 2 or 3 good squirts of Sriracha sauce

Here’s how to make it:

1.  Break the eggs into a bowl.


Broken eggs in a bowl

2.  Add salt and pepper, depending on your tastes.


For me, I like lots of pepper and no added salt!

3.  Stir like crazy.


Stirred like crazy

4.  Add your white onion.  You can finely dice it, or dice it in big chunks, it’s up to you.  Depends how you like your onion.

Onion added in

Onion added in

5.  Put a pan on the stove on medium heat.  Pour in a bit of cooking oil and let it warm up.

Warming up some oil

Warming up some oil

6.  Take your two pieces of bread and put them in the toaster.  Toast them as much as you like.



7.  Pour the egg mixture into the warmed-up cooking oil.



8.  Add some chopped-up tomatoes.

Adding some tomato

Adding some tomato

9.  Now add in as much cheese as you like!

Some cheddar and also some mozzarella.  Couldn't resist!

Some cheddar and also some mozzarella. Couldn’t resist!

10.  Stir it up until it’s cooked the way you like it.

All cooked up.

All cooked up.

11.  Take it off the heat and let it chill for a minute.

12.  Meanwhile, take a bowl and spoon some mayonnaise into it.



13.  Squirt some zesty Sriracha sauce in with the mayo.



14.  Mix it around until it’s awesome.

It's awesome

It’s awesome

15.  Take one of your toasted pieces of bread and spread it with half of the Sriracha mayo.



16.  Scoop the egg-tastic mixture on top of it.



17.  Spread the other half of the Sriracha mayo onto the other piece of toast and slap it on top!



This tangy sammie is great as a quick meal or a big snack.  It’s healthy, tangy, and filling.  Enjoy!

Here’s what it costs to make a Sriracha Sammie:

  • Eggs:  $0.45
  • Salt and/or pepper:  $0.02
  • A little bit of white onion:  $0.20
  • A little bit of cooking oil:  $0.20
  • 2 pieces of bread:  $0.60
  • A little bit of fresh tomato:  $0.20
  • A few slices from a brick of cheese:  $0.40
  • Two spoonfuls of mayonnaise:  $0.20
  • 2 or 3 good squirts of Sriracha sauce:  $0.10

Total cost to make:  $2.37

Only $2.37 for a tasty sammie that’s good any time of the day or night.  Awesome!

Sriracha Sammie

Sriracha Sammie

If you’re in need of more sandwich ideas, try one of these:

Leftover Breakfast Sammie

I’m not a huge breakfast person, but sometimes I go to restaurants for lunch/breakfast with other people.  It’s a ten dollar meal and I’ve learned how to make it a two-meal deal.

I like to order an omelette because omelettes are delicious, filling, and nutritious.   But I usually get full about halfway through, so rather than just tell the server to take it away, I ask them to put it in a take-out container.  Then I take it home.  The next time I’m hungry, I turn it into a thing of beauty – for the second time.

Here’s what my leftovers usually look like:  

What I take home from breakfast at a restaurant - half an omelette, a slice of bacon, and some bread.

What I take home from breakfast at a restaurant – half an omelette, a slice of bacon, and some bread.

Here’s what I do with them:

1.  First of all, I usually don’t use the bread.  I always keep it because I think I’ll use it, but then I don’t use it.

2.  I get two fresher bread slices and put them in the toaster to toast.

Fresh bread, pre-toaster

Fresh bread, pre-toaster

3.  Then I take the omelette and the bacon, put them on a plate, and put them in the microwave for about 30 seconds.

Leftover omelette and piece of bacon after being nuked

Leftover omelette and piece of bacon after being nuked

4.  Once my bread is toasted, I put a nice layer of sriracha sauce on one side.



5.  Then I stack the omelette and the bacon on top of it.



6.  Then I put some sriracha on the other piece of bread and slap it on top.

Slapped with Sriracha!

Slapped with Sriracha!

7.  Then I cut the sandwich in half on a diagonal, because it always looks better that way…

Cut in half

Cut in half

8.  Then I stack it on a plate and admire my delicious snack… a glorious omelette and bacon sandwich!!!

Check this out!!

Check this out!!

This is a great way to make a $10 meal last you for two meals… it’s quick and delicious and it ROCKS!!!

Here are some other cheap and tasty recipe ideas:

Spicy Scrambled Eggs

They’re great for breakfast, lunch, or dinner!

Eggs are really good for you, and they’re really filling.  And also, they only take about five minutes to make, start to finish!  So they’re a great go-to meal when you don’t feel like being in the kitchen for long.

  These are totally easy to make.  You need to be able to scramble an egg and chop some delicious veggies.

For my Spicy Scrambled Eggs, you’ll need:

  1. 2 or 3 eggs
  2. A little bit of cooking oil
  3. 1/4 of a white onion
  4. A handful of pickled jalapenos
  5. Pre-cooked Bacon
  6. Freshly cracked black pepper

Here’s how to make them:

1.  Put a little bit of cooking oil in a pan (use a good non-stick pan if you have one) and let it heat up for about 30 seconds.  I use medium heat.

Oil in a pan

Oil in a pan

2.  Crack the eggs into the pan and stir them around using a plastic utensil (a metal utensil is could ruin your pan) until the yolks are all beaten and mixed.



3.   Add the pre-cooked bacon in with the eggs.  Then add some pepper.  Everything is better with pepper.

Bacon and eggs - yum!

Bacon and eggs – yum!

4.  Dice up the onion and add it to the mix.

5.  Take some pickled jalapenos and add them too.  You can slice them up if you want – I like them whole!

Looks good!

Looks good!

6.  Stir everything around, making sure it gets all nice and mixed.

Mmmm!! Just another minute and they'll be ready!

Mmmm!! Just another minute and they’ll be ready!

7.  Everybody likes their eggs cooked a little differently – some people like them runnier, some people like them really well-cooked.  Cook your Smokin’ Scrambled Eggs until the eggs are done the way you like them!

That’s it – you’re done!

  Here’s what it costs to make: 

  1. Eggs:  $0.75
  2. Cooking oil:  $0.03
  3. White onion:  $0.35
  4. Jalapenos:  #0.15
  5. Bacon:  $0.75
  6. Pepper:  $0.03

   Total cost per delicious meal:  $2.06

Amazing!  Give them a try!  They take less than 10 minutes to make!

   Try one of these other scrumptious 10-minute meals: