Tag Archives: quesadilla

Lazy Quesadillas

A lazy quesadilla is a delicious quesadilla.

These take very little effort to make, and they taste just as good as any other quesadilla in the world.

If you can slice a brick of cheese, cut just a tiny bit of vegetables, and use your stovetop, you can make this!

Here’s what you need to make Lazy Quesadillas:

  • 4 slices of cheddar cheese from a brick
  • 4 slices of mozzarella cheese from a brick
  • A few pickled jalapenos
  • A few dices of onion
  • A few spoonfuls of salsa
  • 1 tortilla wrap

Here’s how to make one:

1.  Slice up the cheese and put it on a plate.

Slices of cheese

Slices of cheese

2.  Get some jalapenos out of the jar and put them on the plate beside the cheese.



3.  Dice up the onion and put it on the plate too.

So easy!

So easy!

4.  Put the tortilla on a pan on the stove on medium heat.  Put the tortilla on the pan like it is in the picture below:

The left half of the tortilla is in the centre of the pan

The left half of the tortilla is in the centre of the pan

5  Fan out half of your cheese slices onto the left side of the tortilla like in the picture below.

Cheese fanned out

Cheese fanned out

6.  Sprinkle some salsa over top.

Salsa sprinkled on top

Salsa sprinkled on top

7.  Sprinkle the jalapenos and onions on top of the cheese and salsa.

A nice spreading of veggies

A nice spreading of veggies\

8.  Top with the remaining slices of cheese.

Cheese on top

Cheese on top

9.  Fold the right side of the tortilla up over the left side.



10.  Let it cook for a couple of minutes and then flip it over.

Flipped over

Flipped over

11.  Let it cook for another few minutes and then flip it again.  Make sure both sides are nice and brown and toasty. In total it should only take about 5 or 6 minutes.

Yummy quesadilla!

Yummy quesadilla!

12.  Slide the quesadilla out of the pan and onto a cutting board.  Cut it into four equal pieces.

Cut up

Cut up

13.  Put them on a plate and enjoy!

Awesome quick snack!

Awesome quick snack!

Here’s what it costs to make a Lazy Quesadilla:

  • Cheddar cheese:  $0.50
  • Mozzarella cheese:  $0.50
  • Jalapenos:  $0.20
  • Onion:  $0.10
  • Salsa:  $0.35
  • Tortilla wrap:  $0.50

Total cost to make:  $2.15


  Check out some of these other lazy but tasty meal ideas:

Thriller Quesadillas

These babies make single life worth living.  They’re cheap, reasonably healthy, and just amazingly good.

You can make Thriller Quesadillas even if you’re not a very good cook.  If you can put a chicken breast in the oven for 25 minutes, and cut up some veggies, and grate cheese, then you can make these!

Here’s what you need to make Thriller Quesadillas:

  • 2 flour tortillas
  • 1/6 of a green pepper
  • 1/4 of a fresh jalapeno
  • 1/6 of an onion
  • 1/2 a Roma tomato
  • 1 chicken breast
  • 1 cup of salsa
  • 1 cup of cheese

Here’s how to make them:

1.  Cook the chicken breast.  Once it’s cooked, leave it aside to let it cool down.

2.  Heat your oven up to 400 degrees.

3.   Dice up the green pepper.  Put the dices in a bowl.

4.  Dice up the jalapeno and put the pieces in the bowl with the green peppers.

5.  Dice up the onion and put the pieces in the same bowl.

6.  Dice up the tomato and put the pieces in with the other veggies.

7.  Mix all the veggies up with a spoon until they’re all nice and mixed.

8.  Take 2 tortilla wraps and lay them on a baking sheet.   Put them side by side, with about half of each of them being folded up into your hand, like in the picture below:

Tortillas held so about half of them are together in the middle

Tortillas held so about half of them are together in the middle

9.  Spread some delicious cheese on the bottom part of the tortillas.



10.  Now sprinkle each half with the chopped veggies.  Yum!

Getting yummier!

Getting yummier!

11.  Now slice up the chicken and spread the slices out on top of the veggies.

Even yummier!

Even yummier!

12.  Now put a few good globs of salsa on top, just like in this picture:

Mmm!  Now featuring salsa!

Mmm! Now featuring salsa!

Here’s a close-up of how awesome it looks at this stage:



13.  Now sprinkle cheese all over the other stuff.  Put as much cheese on as you like.

Gettin' cheesy!

Gettin’ cheesy!

14.  Now fold the top halves over the bottom halves to make two separate quesadilla halves.



15.  This step is very important!  When some of the ingredients spill out of the quesadilla and lay on the baking sheet, leave them alone!!!  Bake them along with the quesadilla and then snack on them throughout the cooking process.  Cheese run-off… you all know what I’m talking about.

Thou shalt be a great piece of run-off....

Thou shalt be a great piece of run-off….

16.  Now cook the quesadillas for about 8 minutes.  Then take them out, flip them both over, and cook them on the other side for maybe 7 minutes.   Just keep looking at them every few minutes.  Once the top gets all nice and browned and toasty, it’s done!

Oh yeeeeah!!

Oh yeeeeah!!

17.  Let the quesadilla rest for about five minutes so the cheese has time to settle.  It makes it way more easier to cut, and makes it less messy to eat.  Then cut it into pieces like this:

Cut each half into four pieces, from the center out to the edges

Cut each half into four pieces, from the center out to the edges

Here’s what your quesadilla should look like from an amazing side view:

Amazing side view

Amazing side view

Here’s an even cheesier side view:

Ohhhhh baby!!

Ohhhhh baby!!

Here’s another mouth-watering shot:



Arrange the slices all prettily on a plate and then dig in!  Enjoy!!

Awesome dinner!!

Awesome dinner!!

  Here’s what it cost to make: 

  • Flour tortillas:  $0.80
  • Cheese:  $1.50
  • Salsa:  $0.60
  • Veggies:  $1.00
  • Chicken breast:  $1.50

Total cost to make:  $5.40

Note that the recipe above feeds me for dinner, as well as a few leftover quesadilla slices to go in my lunch tomorrow.    So that’s about $3.60 for an amazing quesadilla dinner, and about $1.80 for the majority of my lunch the next day.  That’s a pretty decent deal, and it’s tastes amazing!!!

Thriller Quesadillas

Thriller Quesadillas

Hold on, there’s a lot more quick and tasty meals!