Tag Archives: leftover

Leftover Breakfast Sammie

I’m not a huge breakfast person, but sometimes I go to restaurants for lunch/breakfast with other people.  It’s a ten dollar meal and I’ve learned how to make it a two-meal deal.

I like to order an omelette because omelettes are delicious, filling, and nutritious.   But I usually get full about halfway through, so rather than just tell the server to take it away, I ask them to put it in a take-out container.  Then I take it home.  The next time I’m hungry, I turn it into a thing of beauty – for the second time.

Here’s what my leftovers usually look like:  

What I take home from breakfast at a restaurant - half an omelette, a slice of bacon, and some bread.

What I take home from breakfast at a restaurant – half an omelette, a slice of bacon, and some bread.

Here’s what I do with them:

1.  First of all, I usually don’t use the bread.  I always keep it because I think I’ll use it, but then I don’t use it.

2.  I get two fresher bread slices and put them in the toaster to toast.

Fresh bread, pre-toaster

Fresh bread, pre-toaster

3.  Then I take the omelette and the bacon, put them on a plate, and put them in the microwave for about 30 seconds.

Leftover omelette and piece of bacon after being nuked

Leftover omelette and piece of bacon after being nuked

4.  Once my bread is toasted, I put a nice layer of sriracha sauce on one side.



5.  Then I stack the omelette and the bacon on top of it.



6.  Then I put some sriracha on the other piece of bread and slap it on top.

Slapped with Sriracha!

Slapped with Sriracha!

7.  Then I cut the sandwich in half on a diagonal, because it always looks better that way…

Cut in half

Cut in half

8.  Then I stack it on a plate and admire my delicious snack… a glorious omelette and bacon sandwich!!!

Check this out!!

Check this out!!

This is a great way to make a $10 meal last you for two meals… it’s quick and delicious and it ROCKS!!!

Here are some other cheap and tasty recipe ideas: