Tag Archives: cream cheese spread

Jalapeno Cream Cheese

Jalapeno cream cheese is the best thing for some tortilla chips or crackers, or as a spread on a tasty meaty sandwich.  It’s also good just spread on toast in the morning.

Difficulty rating:  0.2  You need to be able to cut jalapenos into really small pieces and then mash it together with some cream cheese.

Here’s what you need to make Jalapeno cream cheese:

  • A brick of cream cheese, softened
  • A nice fresh jalapeno.  The longer and skinnier, the hotter

Here’s how to make it:

1.  Take the cream cheese out of its wrapping and let it sit in a bowl for about 30 minutes so it gets a bit soft.

Cream cheese waiting to be taken to another level

Cream cheese waiting to be taken to another level

2.  Now cut up the jalapeno into really small pieces  If you like your cream cheese nice and spicy, keep the seeds in.  If you’re looking for a bit of a milder flavor, throw the seeds out.

Finely diced jalapeno

Finely diced jalapeno

3.  Stir it all around until it’s well-mixed.



Let the flavors blend for at least an hour before you use it.  It’s really good the day after you make it!

Here’s what it costs to make  (spreads on about 7 pieces of bread):

  • Cream cheese:  $3.00
  • Jalapeno:  $0.20

Total cost to make:  $3.20

   Total cost per delicious serving:  $0.46

Not a bad price for a really tasty and spicy snack!!

I like to take a little container of this and some crackers to work for a coffee break snack.  Makes the afternoon much better!