Tag Archives: baked chicken

Easy Baked Chicken

Don’t be intimidated by chicken!  It’s so easy!

This recipe calls for chicken thighs – chicken thighs are cheap and actually a lot more tasty than a chicken breast!

You barely need any cooking skills for this recipe – if you can turn on the oven and use a timer, you can cook this chicken!

Here’s what you need to make Easy Baked Chicken:

  • 1 package of chicken thighs (5-6 thighs)
  • 1/3 cup of cooking oil (canola, sunflower, whatever you have)
  • Salt & pepper
  • Some dried herbs (parsley, rosemary, basil, oregano… anything like that)

 Here’s how to make it:

1.  Open the package of chicken.

Chicken breasts in their package

Chicken breasts in their package

2.  Pour the cooking oil over the chicken.  Do your best to spread the oil evenly on top of the chicken.  This oil coating will help the chicken skin get nice and crispy during cooking, and it also gives the seasonings something to stick to.

All shiny and coated with oil

All shiny and coated with oil

3.  Sprinkle the thighs liberally with salt and pepper.

All seasoned up!

All seasoned up!

4.  Sprinkle the thighs with your herbs.  I also add some sprinkles of hot chili pepper flakes because I like my food a little spicy!



5.  Transfer the thighs into a glass cooking pan.  Bake them in the oven at 400 degrees for 25 minutes.  Once the timer goes, gently cut into the biggest thigh and look in the middle of it.  If the meat is all white and cooked, you’re done!  If the meat is still pink, put it back in the oven for five more minutes.

All cooked up!

All cooked up!

That’s it, you’re done!  These are tasty little guys that require very little effort – serve them to company for a nice homestyle dinner.  I serve Little Cheesy Guys and some steamed broccoli with my Easy Baked Chicken!

Easy Baked Chicken with Little Cheesy Guys and some steamed broccoli

Easy Baked Chicken with Little Cheesy Guys and some steamed broccoli

Here’s how much it costs to make (6 thighs):

  • Chicken thighs:  $5.00
  • Cooking oil:  $0.50
  • Salt & pepper:  $0.05
  • Dried herbs:  $0.10

   Total cost to make:  $5.65

   Total cost per thigh:  $0.94

You can make this yourself – a tasty homestyle dish!

Here are some other easy meal ideas: