Spicy Scrambled Eggs

They’re great for breakfast, lunch, or dinner! Eggs are really good for you, and they’re really filling.  And also, they only take about five minutes to make, start to finish!  So they’re a great go-to meal when you don’t feel like being in the kitchen for long.   These are totally easy to make.  You need […]


This is all you need to know about breakfast.  It takes five minutes and it’s the best thing ever. Get yourself some pre-cooked bacon.  Either buy a pack yourself, cook it and freeze it, or buy a package of pre-cooked bacon and put it in your freezer.  Having pre-cooked bacon on hand is what I […]

The Ultimate Breakfast Wrap

It’s tasty. It’s fantastic. It’s healthy. It’s filling. It’s everything you want it to be.  It’s the Ultimate Breakfast Wrap. Day or night, night or day, this wrap is amazing. To feast on this, you need to know how to wrap a wrap, cut veggies, cook bacon and make scrambled eggs. Here’s What You Need to […]