Pizza Potato Lasagna

Gluten-free, vegetarian, tasty, filling, and healthy!  Awesome!

This big-batch lunch recipe will fill you up, keep you healthy, and keep your budget on track.  There’s nothing like a hint of pizza along with the home-feeling of potatoes, all put together in delicious cheesy lasagna-style layers.

Make this for some easy suppers, or for your lunches at work, or to feed a handful of company!

This takes awhile to make but it’s not hard to make.

Here’s what you need to make Pizza Potato Lasagna:

  • About 6-8 big potatoes, washed
  • 1/2 a white onion
  • 1 green pepper
  • 1 jalapeno
  • 2 Roma tomatoes
  • 1 good chunk of mozzarella cheese
  • 1 good chunk of cheddar cheese
  • 1 big jar of your favorite tomato pizza sauce
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • some cooking spray

  Here’s how to make it:

1.  Boil the potatoes until they are soft, which will probably take 25-30 minutes.  If the potatoes are really big, cut them in half before you boil them.  Try to make them all similar sizes before you boil them so they cook in the same amount of time.

Boiling potatoes

Boiling potatoes

2.  Once they’re boiled and soft, drain them in the sink and them spread them out on a baking sheet to dry and cool.

Cooling on a baking sheet

Cooling on a baking sheet

3.  Once they’re cooled enough that you can handle them, cut the potatoes into coins, about 1/3 a centimeter thick.  Put your slices on a separate cooking sheet or large plate.

Slicing up the potatoes

Slicing up the potatoes

Piling the sliced potatoes on a cooking sheet

Piling the sliced potatoes on a cooking sheet

4.  Chop up the white onion into dices.  You can dice small or large, whichever you like best.

Diced white onion

Diced white onion

5.  Dice up the green peppers, again as small or large as you want.

Diced green pepper

Diced green pepper

6.  Finely slice up the jalapeno and put it all on a plate.

Diced jalapeno

Diced jalapeno

7.  Slice up the tomatoes into any size or shape that you like.  I like thinly-sliced halves.

Tomato slices

Tomato slices

8.  Grate up your chunks of cheese.

Grated mozzarella

Grated mozzarella

Grated cheddar

Grated cheddar

9.  Pour the pizza sauce into a big bowl.

Pizza sauce in a bowl

Pizza sauce in a bowl

10.  Mince or use a garlic press to get some minced garlic and add it to the sauce.

Garlic added

Garlic added

11.  Stir it up!

Stirred up

Stirred up

12.  Spray a 9×13 pan with non-stick cooking spray.

Sprayed pan

Sprayed pan

13.  Put a layer of potatoes on the bottom of the pan.  Do your best to fill it in, using the different-sized potato pieces.

A layer of potatoes

A layer of potatoes

14.  Spoon about 1/3 of the sauce on top of the potatoes and then use the back of a spoon to even it out into a layer.

Globs of pizza sauce on top

Globs of pizza sauce on top

Using a spoon to smooth it over

Using a spoon to smooth it over

15.  Add a layer of delicious veggies on top.

Adding tomatoes

Adding tomatoes

Adding green pepper

Adding green pepper

Adding onion

Adding onion

Adding jalapeno!

Adding jalapeno!

16.  Add a layer of yummy cheese.

Layer of yummy cheese

Layer of yummy cheese

17.  Repeat these steps again, starting with the potatoes.

Another potato layer

Another potato layer

Pizza sauce, smoothed over

Pizza sauce, smoothed over





17.  Put it into a 375 degree oven for 20 minutes.

Going into the oven!

Going into the oven!

18.  Keep it in the oven until the cheese is nice and gooey and browning… or however you like it!  Let it sit for about five minutes before you dig in.



It’s fabulous!  Enjoy!

Here’s how much it costs to make (6 good servings):

  • Potatoes:  $4.00
  • Onion:  $0.50
  • Green pepper:  $1.00
  • Jalapeno:  $0.15
  • Tomatoes:  $0.60
  • Mozzarella cheese:  $1.50
  • Cheddar cheese: $1.50
  • Pizza sauce:  $1.50
  • Garlic:  $0.15
  • Cooking spray:  $0.03

Total cost to make:  $10.93

Total cost per serving:  $1.82





Here are some other tasty casseroles to try out:

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