
Crock Pot Lasagna

This Delightful Crock Pot Lasagna will cheer up your taste buds and fill your tummy!  A bit of work on Sunday will give you happiness at work all week.  This recipe is a bit like a lasagna but it’s got a mind of its own!

 Once you’ve got this in the crock pot it’s easy, but there is quite a bit of prep work to do first.

Here’s what you need to make Delightful Crock Pot Lasagna:

  • 1 package of ground beef (about one pound)
  • 1 package of sausages (about six links)
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • 6 lasagna noodles
  • 2 jars of tomato sauce (any flavor you like!)
  • about 10 button mushrooms
  • 1/2 a white onion
  • 1 green pepper
  • 2 Roma tomatoes
  • 1 or 2 jalapenoes
  • 1/2 a bunch of oregano
  • 1 small container of ricotta cheese
  • 1 small container of cottage cheese
  • 1 chunk of mozzarella cheese
  • A small chunk of cheddar cheese

Here’s how you make it:

1.  Cook the ground beef in a pan on the stove until it’s brown and fully cooked.  Once it’s fully cooked, turn the heat down to very low but keep it on the stove.


Cooking the ground beef

2.  Cut up your sausage links (I find it’s much easier to cut them if they’re frozen).  Then put them in a pan on the stove and cook them until they’re fully cooked.  Once it’s cooked, take it off the stove.  Pour the sausage pieces into a bowl and set them aside for later.


Slicing up some tasty sausage


Cooking that sausage up!


A bowl of cooked sausages

3.  Break up the lasagna noodles into smaller pieces and then cook the pasta according to the directions on the package, then drain it and set it aside.


Broken up lasagna noodles

4.  Pour some tomato sauce in with the beef and then stir it around.  This will keep the meat from being dry and it will bump up the taste!  Once it’s all mixed in and tasty-looking, pour it in to a bowl and set aside for later.


Adding some sauce


A bowl of tasty beef!

5.  Wash the mushrooms and slice them.  I like mine to be in big chunks for this recipe.  Put the mushroom slices on a plate.


Cutting mushrooms!


Delicious mushie chunks

6.  Dice up the white onion and then put it on the plate beside the mushrooms.


Mushies and onions

7.  Dice up the green pepper and put it on the plate with the other veggies.


Green peppers in with the other veggies

8.  Slice up the tomatoes and add them to the plate with the other veggies.


Colorful veggies!

9.  Finely dice up the jalapenos and put them in a little bowl on their own.



10.  Chop up some fresh oregano and put it in a little bowl on its own.


Fresh oregano!

11.  use a garlic press or hand-mince your garlic and put it in a bowl.


Pressing some garlic!


All the veggies and fresh fixin’s

12.  Stir up the ricotta cheese in the container it came in, so it’s easier to spread around later.


Stirring up the ricotta cheese

13.  Grate up the mozzarella cheese and put it in a bowl.



14.  Now it’s time to put it all in the crock pot!  First, ALWAYS spray the inside of your crock pot with non-stick spray.  It makes it a million times easier to clean later.  Now follow the pictures below to assemble your Crock Pot Delight:


Pour a little tomato sauce in the bottom of the crock pot


Add a layer of cooked lasagna noodles


Add some more tomato sauce, then sprinkle on some of the oregano, garlic, jalapenos, and tomatoes


Add about half of the delicious ground beef


Sprinkle with about half of your chopped veggies


Add some more tomato sauce


Spoon on a layer of cottage cheese and then smooth it all out


Add another layer of lasagna noodles


Put on a good layer of tomato sauce


Sprinkle on the rest of the oregano and garlic


Add the rest of the beef


Sprinkle on some onions


Put the sausage in


Put on some tomato sauce dollops


Spread on the ricotta cheese


Top with anything else you haven’t used yet from your crazy colorful plate of veggies


Cover with half of your remaining tomato sauce


Top with the mozzarella


Add one more layer of noodles


Spread on the last of your tomato sauce

15.  Your crock pot is probably completely full by now!  Turn it on a low setting for 8 hours.  After a few hours, you’ll enjoy the delicious scent.


Crock Pot Delight in Progress

16.  Once the time’s up, open the lid of the crock pot and sprinkle the top with some grated cheddar cheese.  Watch as it melts deliciously.  Then scoop your lasagna out and you’re ready to go!


Sprinkling some cheddar on top

I like to eat a bowl for dinner, then portion the rest into my reusable lunch containers for the rest of the week.  It’s awesome!

Here’s what it costs to make (you get about 7 servings at least!): 

  • Ground beef:  $6.00
  • Sausages:  $4.00
  • Garlic:  $0.20
  • Lasagna noodles:  $0.75
  • Tomato sauce:  $3.50
  • Mushrooms:  $0.75
  • Onion:  $0.35
  • Green pepper:  $1.00
  • Roma tomatoes:  $1.00
  • Jalapenos:  $0.20
  • Oregano:  $0.50
  • Ricotta cheese:  $3.00
  • Cottage cheese:  $2.00
  • Mozzarella cheese:  $2.00
  • Cheddar cheese:  $1.00

Total cost to make:  $26.25

Total cost per serving:  $3.75

Wow!  A low price for something so TASTY and FILLING and NUTRITIOUS!  It’s got veggies and meat and dairy.  You can’t go wrong!

You’ll never find a great lasagna in a restaurant for that price!



Here are some other variations of lasagna to try:

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